I guess since this is going to be the longest winter ever, I might as well stop complaining about having to run on the treadmill for the first part of marathon training...
As much as I hate running on the treadmill, I am thinking that by running slower on the treadmill for our shorter runs, it has helped improve our pace for when we do get to run outside. Two out of our three runs were on the treadmill this week. We had a little break in the weather on Thursday, so instead of running our long run on Saturday, we decided to take advantage of the weather and run the long run early...and boy did we run! I don't think Jeremy and I ever thought we would be getting our PR's for some of our longer runs during marathon training, but on Thursday we ran 48:46 for 6 miles. Maintaining a pace of 8:08 per mile. It was a fantastic run and pretty exciting to see the time and distance on our Garmin watches, as we both knew we were running a great pace, and still feeling good!
Cytomax has been our hydration staple of choice. Since taking the Cytomax during and after our runs, I can definitely tell a difference in how I feel during and post run for recovery. I am super excited that Cytomax is the "official" course drink for the marathon in San Diego!
This next week, I have some travel for work in Las Vegas. I am pretty excited to get out of this frozen tundra for a few days and enjoy some 60 degree weather! I am hoping to be able to run 4 miles outside on Tuesday in Vegas...keeping my fingers crossed! Next week we rev up the miles for our long run to 9. I just saw a weather forecast and it looks to be decent. When I say decent these days, I am just excited to see mid-thirty degree weather with the sun shining...how sad is that? Hopefully the weather will cooperate, because although I think there has been some benefits to running on the treadmill, there is no way I am going to run 9 miles on that torture chamber!
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