This last week of running before marathon training starts was actually the best week of running I have ever had. I've been feeling great physically,and have been cautious about my pre and post running nutrition.
About four months ago I started having some severe pain in my right hamstring and up through my buttocks area. After doing a lot of research, I was able to find out that I was suffering from "Piriformis Syndrome." Basically I was having numbness and tingling in my buttocks and then down my leg through my hamstring area. This neuromuscular disorder occurs when the piriformis muscle in the buttocks compresses on the sciatic nerve. The pain was getting worse when I would sit for long periods of time, and would burn when I ran. So I started seeing a Chiropractor for treatment, which helped tremendously! I was continuing to run my normal running routine, and just slowing down my pace. I was so happy that I was able to continue running without too much discomfort. I was a little discouraged that I couldn't run as fast as I was prior to getting the disorder, but as long as I could continue to put in my miles, that's all that mattered to me.
My normal workout routine is usually 3 days of running, with 1 day being a "long run" and the other 4 days incorporating weight training and cross training such as swimming and riding the bike at the gym. Tuesday was a great run. My running partner, Jeremy and I ran 4 miles in approx 34:05. On Thursday, we had to hit the dreaded treadmill because of the weather, and ran another 4. On Saturday we were able to avoid the treadmill and hit the pavement for a nice 6 mile run. This run was the fastest 6 miles we had ever ran. I'm not sure what it was...if it was the bright sun, the cool air, the citrus flavored Cytomax, my new play-list, or just knowing that this would be our last long run before our marathon training started, but we ended up finishing in 49:46, which is a 8:19 minute mile pace. I was super excited. After months of not feeling well physically because of the piriformis issue, and to finally start running faster than I have before was the ultimate rush and made for an awesome weekend!
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