So this week the only thing on my mind in terms of running was the fact that I was going to run the most mileage I had ever ran before. Our long run was scheduled to be 15 miles this week. While I tried to mentally prepare myself as thinking that it was only 2 more miles than I had ever ran before, nothing could really prepare me for how I would feel come Saturday.....
The first of the week was pretty standard. I had been feeling pretty good for the most part, and the piriformis wasn't giving me too many issues. Our Tuesday 4 mile run was pretty typical and felt pretty good. I had a day trip to New York on Wednesday for work, so being on an airplane for 6 hours that day didn't help my piriformis in the least! Thursday I scheduled an appointment with my Chiropractor because I had started feeling pain in my right side after my day of airplane rides and meetings and I needed to be adjusted! The Chiropractor appointment was good, and our 7 mile run that evening was the fastest 7 miles we had ever ran. The weather was perfect, mid 60's, not much wind and some sunshine! Our time was 58:25. :)
Friday evening I decided to go swimming for about 1600m (approx 1 mile) to stretch out the legs and arms to prepare for the daunting 15 miles that was before me on Saturday. The swim was great and just what I needed to feel good! Saturday was a hectic morning of soccer games for both the kids, so we didn't start our run till nearly 1:30 that afternoon. It was a pretty warm day with a lot of wind, which I knew was going to be rough for the run. Overall our pace for the 15 miles was 9:22, which was actually surprising to me since it felt A LOT slower than that for me. It was a struggle that day for sure. I ran out of fluid around mile 13 and my piriformis was acting up quite a bit. I'm glad that the 15 miles are behind me and I can look forward to amping up the miles here in the next few weeks knowing that I have the strength and confidence to continue on regardless of the pain and fatigue.
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